Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dorms have NO KITCHENS...

This almost drove me crazy my freshman year. No kitchen = no baking = no food. Luckily I had a boyfriend (by the middle of the year) who had his own house - and kitchen! But cooking spans back before college...

Food has always been a good way to make friends with people, because everybody LOVES food! [and those who don't, are absolutely weird... but hey whatev - to each his/her own]. Over the course of my secondary schooling and college (still in, so it's still going) I have become more and more of a cook. And being a cook does have it's advantages: you get to make things that 1)look good, 2)taste good [with the rare opps I put cumin instead of cinnamon in the pancakes - which wasn't me by the way] and 3) make you feel happy! I love just being able to work in the kitchen and just improvise to come up with something new. Sometimes it's worked fabulously - others... eh, let's just say you win some, you lose some.

Growing up in a big family you learn to cook, because eating out all the time gets EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE! That and it's fun getting everyone cooking in the kitchen. My Dad and I love to cook - it's how we de-stress/"Get away from life." You can always tell how our week is going by the amount of food/desert we cook/bake. I can probably attribute my "love of food" to my Dad and his family. We always joke about opening a restaurant or cafe since we have to feed an "entire herd" of people when the holidays/birthdays roll around. I wouldn't trade any of them for the world though - gotta love your family... they're the only ones who HAVE to put up with your crazy self. The only bad part to that is - when you go to college and have to live in the dorms your first year... you have no place TO cook with out having to drive home or some place where there's a kitchen. Although, having to cook with only a microwave makes you think "outside the box." And one can only live on Ramen noodles and Mac'n'Cheese for so long.

But anyway - back to the reason why I'm writing this blog! MAIN REASON: Cooking is fun and the outcomes are tasty. SECOND REASON: to share easy recipes with you so you too can become a Crazy College Chef. [YOU'LL MAKE TONS OF NEW FRIENDS!] I've been meaning to start this for a while now - but I finally just sat down and did it. Soooo keep on the look out for new recipes/techniques/etc... I promise you won't be dissappointed.


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